
When buying enterprises as a property complex, firm-the buyer can pay for it as excess cost of the acquired entity on its balance sheet, and an amount less than the value of the assets on the balance sheet of the acquiree. Based on the requirements of the Russian legislation, in the account of the buyer acquires an intangible asset that distinguishes the Russian from the international practice. International financial reporting standards do not recognize goodwill an intangible asset of the buyer enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to specify the Russian practice of accounting transactions in the purchase of enterprises as property complex. The article presents a definition of the property complex, based on the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, highlighted the stages of transfer of the property complex of the specified accounting documents that must be decorated, the analysis of the approaches of domestic and foreign authors to the recognition and measurement of goodwill, studied the specificity of the requirements of the Russian normative-legislative acts to the category “goodwill”, “intangible asset”. Based on the requirements of the Russian legislation, a positive goodwill is recognized in intangible asset (goodwill), in contrast to the negative goodwill (badwill), which immediately applies on other income of the organisation – the buyer of the enterprise – a property complex. On the positive business reputation, then the requirements of the Russian legislation, a positive goodwill is recognized intangible asset. In this paper, the authors proposed a model accounting for the purchase of enterprise as property complex as a result of which the acquisition price of an enterprise as a property complex exceeds its carrying amount of the assessment, therefore, in accounting, the buyer acquires an intangible asset in the form of a positive business reputation, compiled and substantiated recommended to reflect this fact of financial and economic activities of the correspondence of accounts.


  • necessary to specify the Russian practice of accounting transactions in the purchase

  • The article presents a definition of the property complex

  • studied the specificity of the requirements of the Russian normative-legislative acts to the category

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Н. Практика отражения в российском учете деловой репутации при покупке предприятия как имущественного комплекса // Вестник ВГУИТ. Рассмотрим, каким образом в бухгалтерском учёте отражается факт купли-продажи предприятия, как имущественного комплекса. Своё отражение в бухгалтерском учёте имеет лишь деловая репутация, которая образовалась при покупке предприятия как имущественного комплекса (так называемая приобретённая деловая репутация).

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