
The private practice of psychiatry has been primarily centered about urban areas. For this reason, it was felt worth while to report the experience of practicing psychiatry in a rural community. This paper deals with the writer’s first year in practice, a period ending in March, 1948. The writer has been practicing in the village of Newark, located in Wayne County in upstate New York. The population of Newark is approximately 8,ooo and that of Wayne County is about 50,000. He is the only psychiatrist in private practice in Wayne County and, in fact, the only such practitioner in a rather wide belt between Syracuse and Rochester. Newark is located about 32 miles east of Rochester and 55 miles west of Syracuse. Because of the unusualness of practicing psychiatry rurally, it may be of interest to note the reason for settling in a small community. For 10 years prior to military service, the writer was employed as a resident physician at the Newark State School and, as a result of associations formed, desired to continue residence in Newark after military service. Furthermore, being fairly well known in the area and knowing almost all the physicians in the county, it was felt that the location had good possibilities for successful practice. The area served is not “backwoods” in any way. Most of the people are in moderate financial circumstances, and the general intellec ua! level is good. The population is chiefly of Anglo-Saxon, ,Dutch, or Italian extraction. The physicians are progressive, and I can state from personal contact that as a group they are extremely conscientious and faithful to their patients. Where special attention is indicated, it is not only recommended but strongly urged, so that optimal medical care can be rendered. I have found that there are a number of disadvantages in practicing psychiatry rur-

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