
The suspension of rights in an international organization constitutes a sanction imposed on a Member State for its conduct contrary to the founding act. Each organization in its statutory provisions defines these behaviors, sometimes in a general way, otherwise - in more detail. It should be emphasized, however, that practical application of the regulations in both universal and regional organizations is helpful in this case. The consequence of initiating the suspension procedure is maintaining the current membership in the same form or introducing restrictions in this respect. These, in turn, may relate to the loss of voting rights, which can only apply to the organization's plenary body (e.g. the UN) or all main bodies, committees, commissions and subsidiary bodies (e.g. UNESCO). Suspension of rights may also apply to the right to services (WHO) or the right of representation (RE). It should also be borne in mind that suspension of rights applies only to some of them and lasts for a certain period.

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