
The article is devoted to the study of the practical significance of the criminalistic characteristics of criminal offences provided for in Section XVI of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The analysis of the given statistical data gives grounds to assert the low efficiency of the investigation and disclosure of criminal offences provided for in Section XVI of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The correlations between the elements of the criminalistic characteristics of criminal offences provided for in Article 361-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine are analyzed. It is proposed to create an appropriate system (database) in which persons investigating criminal offences provided for in Section XVI of the Criminal Code of Ukraine will enter data based on the elemental composition of the criminalistic characteristics of these criminal offences (the identity of the offender, the situation of the commission, the method of commission, traces, etc.). Considering also the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the proposed system can be configured as follows: 1) enter the relevant data on the method of commission, the situation, the traces, the person who committed the criminal offence, and so on, and the artificial intelligence itself will structure them in accordance with the elements of the forensic characteristics; 2) artificial intelligence independently, based on the analysis of materials and information (data) entered into the information and telecommunication system of pre-trial investigation, will search and distribute the necessary data concerning elements of the criminalistic characteristics of criminal offences. It is stated that the criminalistic characteristics of criminal offences provided for by Section XVI of the Criminal Code of Ukraine had practical significance, that is, it was useful in the investigation of these criminal offences, it is necessary to use modern capabilities of information computer technologies and artificial intelligence capabilities (for example, ChatGPT).

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