
This study aims to theoretically emphasize the role of account planning in advertising. The main purpose is to persuade young professionals and students interested in the advertising field that a campaign should be perceived as an algorithm, where products, consumers’ desires, sales, or even the creative ideas are not the sole relevant aspects of success. Conversely, understanding consumers’ mentality, feelings, motivation, fears, and reasons for rejecting a brand is the crucial key for discovering the most effective way to build a loyal relationship with them. The paper explains the main concepts that guide every account planner to the right insight, such as brand awareness, brand capital, brand identity, brand associations, media strategy, positioning, and brand loyalty. Additionally, some concepts have been adapted to the Romanian local market to provide a clear understanding or, at the very least, motivation for the strategy. Why is account planning so relevant in the market, especially considering that agencies operate both globally and locally? There is a singular answer motivating the topic of this study, namely the instability of consumers influenced by such factors as technology, market evolution, unexpected desires, social development, and even professional updates

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