
This research aims to explore the impact of using project-based learning methods on academic achievement and student engagement in education using mixed methods. The sampling technique was carried out in two stages. The three best private universities in Semarang City were selected based on the 2023 Webometrics results (University of Dian Nuswantoro, Catholic University of Soegijapranata, and the Islamic University of Sultan Agung), then the sample selection was carried out using stratified random sampling techniques, which comprised 318 students. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires, interviews, and literature studies. The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling via AMOS 26 software. The practical implications of this research show that the project-based learning (PBL) method positively impacts academic achievement and student involvement in the learning process. The PBL method also effectively increased students' conceptual understanding, reflecting a shift from traditional approaches to more interactive, creative, and innovative learning. From a managerial perspective, these findings emphasize the integration of PBL into the curriculum to optimize student potential. It is also essential for lecturers and educational policymakers to provide ongoing professional training to support the effective use of PBL in educational environments. PBL methods are a valuable learning strategy and their implementation can be a significant challenge that needs to be overcome in an educational context. This research concludes that project-based learning may effectively increase student participation, engagement, collaboration, and future academic achievement.

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