
This article describes the evolution of the clinical nurse leader role and demonstrates the vital nature of partnerships between academia and practice in the design and implementation of this new role. The health care system as it exists in the United States may put patients at risk in terms of safety and quality of care. Nursing leadership from across the US recognized a need for nursing practice and academia to work in partnership to develop workable and effective solutions. The vision was of a nurse generalist who would be prepared to address the complexities that make the current systems dysfunctional. Review, share experiences and discuss the benefits of engaging stakeholders with broad and diverse viewpoints. Engaging a group of stakeholders with diverse backgrounds, varied world views and experiences for the purpose of developing common mutually beneficial goals, creates synergy and greater commitment to the goals, which results in success. The power of partnership in the development and implementation of the CNL is evident. Old ways of trying to 'go it alone' are no longer viable in a complex health care environment. With continued collaboration, practice and academia can continue to confront challenges and develop effective solutions.

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