
With many countries planning to significantly increase grid renewable energy penetration levels, we consider the role of wave energy in supply–demand matching. We investigate how incorporating wave power into an offshore wind farm affects farm power predictability, smoothness, required energy storage capacity, and cost. In this paper, we do a first-order cost analysis of an offshore farm comprised of floating wind turbines and wave energy converters that are both standalone and combined and onshore compressed air energy storage. Then, we do a parameter sweep investigation of an isolated power network supplied by varied grid renewable energy penetration levels supplemented by natural gas, varied distribution of renewable energy between wind and wave power, and varied power capacity of a compressed air energy storage system supplying power to a shoreline community. For each parameter set, we consider the historical hourly electricity demand and wind-sea data of a coastal California community over a year, and optimize the energy storage schedule to reduce curtailed power, stored energy, and base gas plant operational cost. We show that a co-located wind-wave farm has smoother power supply, less energy curtailment, and higher farm-to-grid efficiency than a solely wind farm. That is, a 50%–50% wind-wave farm has a 15% smaller coefficient of variation in the power supply, 6% less curtailed power, and 2% higher farm-grid efficiency than a 100% wind farm when the grid is 100% renewable energy. These benefits of wave power potentially decrease the need for interconnecting regional transmission lines to match power supply with demand. The intent of this paper is to provide baseline system technical results to help future researchers and policy makers make decisions about offshore hybrid wind-wave-storage farms.

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