
The relevance of the study is determined by the need to find effective tools to overcome the negative effects of a pandemic coronavirus infection at the urban level. The purpose of the study is to explore the potential of smart city management to overcome the constraints caused by the coronavirus pandemic, and to identify areas for its use to accelerate post-coronavirus recovery. The objectives of the study are to analyse the constraints on society caused by the coronavirus pandemic; to systematise the benefits of smart city management; and to identify directions for harnessing the potential of smart city management to accelerate post pandemic recovery. Methodology. The research is based on the method of theoretical analysis, systematization of data, methods and techniques of economic analysis to investigate the dynamics of indicators, graphical method to present the results of the analysis, and logical method to formulate the author's recommendations. Results. The authors have systematised the restrictions on the life activity of society, which emerged in the period of the pandemic. It was substantiated that during a pandemic, the advantages of digital technologies and "smart" governance enable the implementation of governance models which can flexibly adapt to changing conditions. The analysis of basic conditions for the implementation of the model of "smart" city management has been carried out. Identified areas for harnessing the potential of smart city governance to accelerate post-pandemic recovery. Conclusions. Conclusion. Comparison of the limitations of city life during the pandemic with the possibilities of "smart" city management based on the creation of the system of digital monitoring of the epidemiological situation, "smart" health care, development of urban digital cultural and leisure environment, the use of the principles of "smart" waste management will allow in a short time to overcome the negative covid footprint for the economic system of the city.

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