
Besides the beneficial effects on the plant host, phenolic compounds exhibit a series of biological properties that influence the human in a health-promoting manner. Evidence suggests that people can benefit from plant phenolics obtained either by the diet or through skin application. Phenolic compounds are a promising tool in eliminating the causes and effects of skin aging, skin damage, including wounds, burns and skin diseases such as bacterial infections or even skin cancer. Phenolic compounds are effective both as a single components and as parts of a plant extracts. Their mechanism of action involves antioxidative action, influence on enzyme activity and regulation of gene expression. The phenolics can be isolated from a variety of plants, both exotic in origin and those commonly cultivated for food. One of the industrial sources of phenolics which could be potentially used in human therapy is flax, Linum ussiatissimum. Varieties of this plant are grown for fibre and oil and by products such as seed cakes, short fibre and shives are source of valuable components including lignans, phenolic acids and flavonoids. Based on those products we developed series of preparation which could be effective in treatment of various skin disorders including bacterial infection, inflammation and long standing- non healing wounds. In most cases the effect was shown only in in vitro culture so far, however in case of a wound dressing the effect was confirmed in a pre- clinical pilot study.

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