
One of the main problems of modern scientific knowledge about media communication is to determine its place and significance in the political system. In this regard, we set the task in the article to determine what place media communication occupies in the digital space of public policy and public administration in Russia, and what role the digital communications system plays in their formation and implementation.The main vector of development of political communication is directed mainly from the state authorities to citizens through political and non-political organizations, as well as through the media (or mass media). It is the media that is a communication channel that carries out information interaction with other counterparties of the public area. In the digital space of public administration, what is needed is not a unilateral act of informing, but a process of stable feedback between participants in political and communication processes, which implies an equal exchange of accurate, complete, certified and verifiable information about political phenomena and processes, interfaced with those norms and values characteristic of this society, fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. Of particular importance are the freedom to express their opinions openly, the freedom to seek, receive and disseminate information within a given political system through the media.In this regard, it is the network approach that seems fundamental as a methodological basis for the problem of the role of media communication in the public administration system. The concept of political networks analyzes the structure, the participants who make up the network, and the nature of the relations between them. The latter circumstance is a necessary determinant of the specifics of this methodology in the study of political media communication as a factor affecting the qualitative characteristics of public policy and public administration. In this regard, the public policy formed in the process of political communication also depends on the meaningful nature of communicative relationships, and public administration is implemented.

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