
To increase tourist/consumer knowledge about local souvenirs, brands or labels are necessary. This research focuses on an empirical study of the actual production capacity of seven main production groups creating local products in Luang Prabang. The study investigates the current circumstances, potential of local products and preparedness of local entrepreneurs leading to brand creation and analyzes the five main constraints to brand building for local entrepreneurs. Qualitative research was applied. Data was collected through 40 in-depth personal interviews supplemented by participatory observation and content analysis of secondary data. The studied found that the status of the world heritage and the rich pool of cultural heritage benefited local producers, allowing them to improve and develop their authenticity of their souvenir handicrafts by applying indigenous knowledge. Furthermore, many tourists’ souvenir products have the potential to be developed as local or community brand due to producers’ skill and experience. Some of labels were created to reflect the personal, community and historical characteristics of the city. The Night Market as tourist landmark, play main a role in collecting and presenting the diversity of new locally invented tourist souvenirs into the market. The study also found that for Luang Prabang to create a local or community brand would involve many parties from related government and associations agencies in term of technical assistance and financial support. Producers also encountered with many challenges and difficulties. The study found that personnel resources and local producers’ innovation is limited. there is a weakness in marketing knowledge and managerial skill competencies, lack of business vision, least in enthusiastic, and tendency to only produce on a self-sufficient basic. Moreover, they lack financial access, financial support and financial distribution for business expansion with related organizations, in order to develop products. Many types of product were not developed to reflect diversity in terms of tastes, flavored, shape and size. Applying new or modern technology is another main challenge. Finally, barriers to full entrepreneurship include a conservative mind-set and the unchanging thinking family based operations.

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