
ABSTRACT The fate of the tracheal system is traced from the first larval instar to the adult stage. The basic larval pattern conforms to that shown for other Diptera Cyclorrhapha (Whitten, 1955), and is identical in all three instars. According to previous accounts the adult system directly replaces the larval: the larval system is partly shed, partly histolysed, and the adult system arises from imaginai cell clusters independently of the preceding larval system. In contrast, it is shown here that in the cephalic, thoracic, and anterior abdominal region there is a definite continuity in the tracheal system, from larval, through pupal to the adult stage, whereas in the posterior abdominal region the larval system is histolysed, and the adult system is independent of it in origin. Moreover, in the pupal stage this region is tracheated by tracheae arising from the anterior abdominal region and belonging to a distinct pupal system. Moulting of the tracheal linings is complete at the first and second larval ecdyses, but incomplete at the third larval-pupal and pupal-adult ecdyses. In consequence, in both pupal and adult systems there are tracheae which are secreted around preexisting tracheae, others formed as new ‘branch’ tracheae, and those which have been carried over from the previous instar. In the adult the newly formed tracheae of the posterior abdominal region fall into a fourth category. Most of the adult thoracic air sacs correspond to new ‘branch’ tracheae of other instars. The pre-pupal moult and instar are discussed with reference to the tracheal system and tentative suggestions are made concerning the true nature of the pre-pupal cuticle. There is no pre-pupal tracheal system. Events traced for Drosophila would seem to be general for Cyclorrhapha, both Acalypterae and Calypterae. The separate fates of the anterior and posterior abdom inal systems, in contrast with the straightforward development in Dipterc Nematocera, would appear to mark a distinct step in the evolution of the system in Diptera.

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