
Aim of the study was to estimate the possibility of prognosis incidence by means of degrees of cancer aggravated family history. 1233 families (n = 4689) from the Moscow Cancer Family Registry who answered 5-years later the first questionnaire were divided into 4 groups according to our classification of degrees of cancer aggravated family history: (1) not aggravated, (2) little aggravated, (3) aggravated, (4) syndromes (see detailed description in the text). The methods of genetic epidemiology, epidemiology, statistics were used. Incidence in the first and second groups were near population expected cases, some higher in the aggravated group and sharp rise in women from the syndromes-associated families (the most syndromes predisposed to cancer of women reproductive system), relative risk was 10.76 for probands and 8.19 for the first relative women. There was no increase infrequency of new cases among men in syndrome-associated families. Analysis of degrees of cancer aggravated family history can be used for the incidence prognosis; one or two cancer cases among first degree relations don't regard as a high oncogenetic risk factor; members of families with syndromes are obligatory cancer risk group.

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