
Among the diseases of urgent pathology, the leading place belongs to acute pancreatitis, which is inferior to such nosologies as acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis. Moreover, the lion’s share is occupied by light forms, which make up 85%. The aim of the work is to demonstrate a clinical case of recurrent abdominal syndrome occurring under the mask of acute pancreatitis in a patient with oncopathology identified using a diagnostic algorithm used in outpatient practice. Material and methods. Patient F., 60 years old, repeatedly sought medical help in a network of polyclinics and hospitals providing emergency specialized medical care with recurrent abdominal syndrome. Results and discussion. Against the background of conservative treatment, the patient had a short-term positive dynamics characteristic of a mild form of acute pancreatitis. After taking the patient to the dispensary and conducting an in-depth diagnostic examination according to the algorithm developed by our group of researchers, cancer of the stomach stump T2N0M0 was detected. Conclusion. Patients with recurrent abdominal pain syndrome need dispensary observation on an outpatient basis to identify other pathology occurring under the guise of acute pancreatitis and to conduct adequate treatment.

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