
The British Industrial Revolution is one of the most important revolutionary events that profoundly changed the environment for human survival and development in the western economic and social history. In 1884, Arnold Toynbee delivered a lecture on the British Industrial Revolution, and pointed out that it was not only a technological revolution, but also a far-reaching social revolution. This view was generally accepted by the academic community and the society as a classic understanding of the phenomenon of Industrial Revolution. Since the reform and opening up, Chinese scholars have conducted in-depth studies on major issues in British history, such as the British revolution and the Industrial Revolution.[1] Since the publication of Mary Wollstonecraft's the defense of women's rights, British women have had their own voice. At the same time, they deconstructed the social discourse centered on the aristocratic language at that time by creating a family social circle, entering new factory labor, and directly or indirectly participating in political activities. It can be said that they play an important role in deconstruction. This paper focuses on the great role played by British women during the industrial revolution. And it is divided into two parts, namely, the impact of the British Industrial Revolution on women's economy and spirit, and the impact of the British Industrial Revolution on women's marital status.

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