
冯友兰是中国当代最具方法论自觉的一位哲学家。他早年特别强调形上学概念命 题之不涉及内容的形式性意义, 对负的方法范围的界定亦嫌过狭, 这对理解正负方法 的统一内涵造成了一些理论困扰。晚年他据“具体共相”的观念反思其哲学系统, 在 肯定哲学概念范畴形式性的同时, 揭示了它作为把握实在的方式及其思想运动的“特 殊内容”, 实现了理智概念与直觉神秘间的相互包涵与融通。从冯友兰晚年的理论反 思反观其整个哲学系统, 可见其思想的前后一贯。其据具体共相思想对自己的哲学系 统及哲学本性所作新解, 亦是其整个哲学体系的题中应有之义。本此识度, 才能更好 地理解冯友兰哲学方法及其哲学的真精神, 从中获得对中国哲学和文化现代重建的智 慧启迪。 关键词: 冯友兰 正的方法 负的方法 人生境界 Among contemporary Chinese philosophers, Feng Youlan had the greatest degree of methodological self-awareness. In his earlier years, he especially emphasized the formalist meaning (not touching on content) of metaphysical concepts and propositions and defined the negative method too narrowly, leading to some theoretical confusion over the inherent unity of the two methods. In his later years, he employed the concept of the “concrete universal” to reflect on his philosophical system; while affirming the formalism of philosophical conceptual category, he revealed the “peculiar content” of the category as a means of grasping actuality and its intellectual movements, thus realizing the mutual accommodation of rationality and intuition (mystery). A review of Feng’s philosophical system in accordance with the theoretical reflections of his later years will indicate the consistency of his thought throughout his life. His new understanding of his own philosophical system and the nature of philosophy on the basis of the “concrete universal” was the logical outcome of his previous ideas. Only with this in mind will we be able to attain a better understanding of the methodology and true spirit of Feng’s philosophy and draw inspiration for the contemporary reconstruction of Chinese philosophy and culture.

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