
The subject of the article is the reflection of Chinese culture in the poem cycle "Chinese Journey" by O. A. Sedakova. In spite of the relatively large number of studies of this cycle, a close reading of it, undertaken from the perspective of a bearer of Chinese culture, may reveal new episodes in need of commentary and evidence of Sedakova' profound knowledge of Chinese philosophy and classical poetry. Although the significance of Taoist ideas for Sedakova has been discussed, it is possible to point out images and ideas that have not been noted before and are related to Lao Tzu and the Book of Changes, also some details that can possess a symbolic meaning in Chinese culture. Thus, although the significance of the image of water for the cycle has already been noted, its connection with the ideas of Lao Tzu has not been explained; in the light of the ideas of Taoism, we understand the images of the path, heaven and earth. The study explains the symbolic meaning that Sedakova's images of willow, mountain, ladder, flute, and swallow have in Chinese culture. We conclude that Sedakova's poetry is based on the harmonious interaction of European and Chinese; this assessment has already been expressed in science, but we have reinforced it with new examples.

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