
The longnose skate, Raja rhina, is the most commonly landed skate species in the northeast Pacific Ocean. It also dominates survey catches in the area. Existing knowledge on skate biology and fisheries suggests that large skate species with late sexual maturation, like the longnose skate, are extremely vulnerable to overfishing, and if overfished they are slow to recover. Historically, in the US Pacific Coast skates have not supported directed fisheries, but have been taken as bycatch in other commercially important fisheries. For the past 13 years, landed catches of skates in waters off Washington, Oregon and California have significantly increased. Using the Stock Synthesis 2 modeling framework, a population model for the longnose skate was developed to assess the current state of the stock and reconstruct its past dynamics. Model results indicate that the longnose skate spawning biomass has slowly declined since 1915; the current stock biomass is estimated as 66% of its unexploited level. Uncertainty in regards to fishery-dependent data and female maturity parameters was explored through sensitivity analyses. The model results indicate that it is important to conduct species-specific identification in the fishery and monitor discard of longnose skate to improve the accuracy of fishery catch data and make assessment conclusions more robust.

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