
MR. H., a new star on the literary horizon of X province. For the last few days, he has lost his appetite, and at night, he tosses about in bed, unable to sleep. The fact is, poor Mr. H. is suffering from writer's block. Everybody knows that H. made a name for himself on rural themes. The virgin work which brought him fame and recognition was based on the story of his poor cousin in his home village. Her list of misfortunes, her tears, her courage and forbearance amidst poverty and hardship had wrung the hearts of countless readers. Lately rural themes are back in vogue, but H. is silent. For some inexplicable reason, his fountain of inspiration has gone dry. Whenever he takes up his pen, his poor cousin and the bleak life of those bygone times come back to haunt him. So out of keeping with the current vogue of rural rags-to-riches stories. So frustrating. Of course H. strives to maintain a dignified silence. But to remain in the shade when so many new works are out in the sun is more than he can bear.

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