
AbstractWe revisit our construction of the Thompson groups from the polycyclic inverse monoids in the light of new research. Specifically, we prove that the Thompson group \(G_{n,1}\) is the group of units of a Boolean inverse monoid \(C_{n}\) called the Cuntz inverse monoid. This inverse monoid is proved to be the tight completion of the polycyclic inverse monoid \(P_{n}\). The étale topological groupoid associated with \(C_{n}\) under non-commutative stone duality is the usual groupoid associated with the corresponding Cuntz \(C^{*}\)-algebra. We then show that the group \(G_{n,1}\) is also the group of automorphisms of a specific n-ary Cantor algebra: this n-ary Cantor algebra is constructed first as the monoid of total maps of a restriction semigroup à la Statman and then in terms of labelled trees à la Higman.KeywordsThompson groupsFree monoidsPolycyclic inverse monoidsétale groupoidsCantor algebras2010 Mathematics Subject Classification20M1818B4020F29

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