
The agro-industrial complex has a huge potential for increasing the efficiency of the use of natural resources, which means it is a good platform for introducing the best available technologies. The main problem is the formation of wastewater. Since dairy enterprises use large enough volumes of water to process containers, equipment, for floor washing as well as use them to cool dairy products. Naturally, the main pollutants are organic compounds. Wastewater from dairy processing plants contains: suspended solids (solids from dairy processing), fats (their content varies depending on the variety of products produced by the enterprise), nitrogen (in the form of amino groups of protein compounds). The pH of the water itself also changes, the value of this indicator will also vary from the volume and range of products. As a result, it was revealed that in the production of 53982 tons of dairy products per year, 496929,2 tons of wastewater is formed, which is 9 times more than the volume of the companys production. In addition, most enterprises in the Tyumen Region do not have an opportunity to drain the resulting wastewater into the central sewage treatment plants for various reasons. This is either a tens of times excess of discharge standards, or the lack of sewage treatment facilities in the settlements where the enterprises are located. In this regard, enterprises of the agro-industrial complex are sources of pollution not only of the atmosphere, soil, but also of water bodies, so the wastewater of dairy plants should be treated and discharged with minimal risk of environmental pollution.


  • Differences in the demographic parameters of the populations of the Samara and Orenburg Regions from the populations of the Bashkir pre-Urals and the Altai Mountains were revealed, which is associated with the difference in climatic conditions

  • Features of the organization of H. gmelinii populations indicate their greater instability on the border of the range

  • Shulepova Olga Viktorovna, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of Ecology and Rational Environmental Management Department

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Общая биология

Структура и состояние ценопопуляций редкого вида Hedysarum gmelinii Ledeb. Жизненный цикл многолетних травянистых растений в луговых ценозах // Тр. Об оценке параметров возрастной структуры популяций растений // Жизнь популяций в гетерогенной среде. Классификация и основные черты развития популяций многолетних растений // Бюлл. (FABACEAE) IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE RANGE. Abramova Larisa Mikhailovna, doctor of biological sciences, professor, chief researcher of Wild Growing Flora and Herbaceous Plants Introduction Laboratory. Mustafina Alfiya Naufalevna, candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of Wild Growing Flora and Herbaceous Plants Introduction Laboratory South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences (Ufa, Russian Federation)

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