
Approaches To Interest Groups * The Rediscovery of Interest Group Politics Mark P. Petracca. * A Deliberative Theory of Interest Representation Jane J. Mansbridge. * Interest Groups and the Policymaking Process: Sources of Countervailing Power in America Andrew S. McFarland. * American Interest Groups in Comparative Perspective Graham K. Wilson. The Organization Of Interests * Interest Group Membership and Organizations: Multiple Theories Paul A. Sabatier. * Triangles, Networks, and Hollow Cores: The Complex Geometry of Washington Interest Representation Robert H. Salisbury, John P. Heinz, Robert L. Nelson, and Edward O. Laumann. * Changing Patterns of Interest Group Activity: A Regional Perspective Clive S. Thomas and Ronald J. Hrebenar. * The Political Mobilization of Business David Plotke. Political Institutions And Interest Groups * Organized Interests and the Nations Capitol John T. Tierney. * Interest Group Mobilization and the Presidency Mark A. Peterson. * Representing the Public Interest: Consumer Groups and the Presidency Joan Lucco. * Conservative Interest Group Litigation in the Reagan Era and Beyond Karen OConnor and Bryant Scott McFall. Interest Group Activity And Influence * Social Movements as Interest Groups: The Case of the Womens Movement Anne N. Costain. * Money, Technology, and Political Interests: The Direct Marketing of Politics R. Kenneth Godwin. * The Rise and Fall of Special Interest Politics Paul E. Peterson. Looking Ahead * The Future of an Interest Group Society M. P. Petracca. *

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