
Abstract This article’s purpose is to analyse the political work of binaries used in both domestic and global migration governance responses with a particular focus on Zimbabwean “survival migration” at the Zimbabwe–South Africa border. This article finds that there is peculiar complementarity between South Africa’s domestic migration governance framework and global migration governance frameworks aimed at a migration management approach. This article argues that this nice fit normalises the ostensibly clear distinction between migrants and refugees to deny protection to deserving asylum-seekers, which is productive in serving the political interests of the South African government. Without access to the appropriate papers and encountering a border refugee reception office that has developed de facto gatekeeping measures to prevent them from seeking asylum, as well as a United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees field office that perceives them as economic migrants, many Zimbabweans living in South Africa occupy a liminal area of categorisation and protection. Hence, the possibilities of the global migration governance providing legitimacy to exclusionary practices at the national level in South Africa are immense. This points to the need for serious engagement with “survival migration” as a category of mobility in analysis, policy, law as well as practice.

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