
The role played by the Palestinian citizens of Israel to date, on either side of the divide in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, has been limited. As Israeli citizens, they have failed to influence Israeli policy vis-a-vis the conflict and they have shied away from significantly shaping the nature of the State of Israel. As Palestinians, they are increasingly showing signs of support for the Palestinian cause, but have made only a limited political contribution to the Palestinian struggle for independence and selfdetermination. Over the last forty years, as this Arab population has undergone several important transformations, it has become possible for it to play an increasingly important role, both as citizens of Israel and as a segment of the Palestinian people. This article will review the major changes that Arab society in Israel has witnessed. It will show how these changes established new modes of interaction with Israel and with the Palestinian people, but it will emphasize the influence of these changes-actual and potential-on Israel. The interaction between developments in Arab society in Israel and the unfolding of Israel's fatal contradiction-being the state of the Jewish people and being a democracy with equality for its citizens-will be

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