
This research aims to know the Political Recruitment of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in Takalar Election 2017. The research method used qualitative method by descriptive analysis. Data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. Informant of the research, namely the Management and Sympathizers of PKS Takalar and Nasdem Party Takalar, the couple of Syamsari Kitta - Achmad Dg. Se're, Regional Election Commission of Takalar Regency.The results showed that the recruitment of PKS in Takalar Election 2017 were: first, the couple of Syamsari Kitta - Achmad Dg Se're was promoted by the PKS 4 seats coalition with the National Democratic Party (Nasdem) 2 seats in the regional election. The coalition happened because both parties agreed that the couple is able to bring thoughts or ideas of change in the process of elections battle period of 2017-2022 in Takalar Regency. Secondly, the PKS chose Syamsari Kitta because of his strong ability and strong support-bases in Takalar as well as positive electability with the community. While Ahmad Daeng Sere chose as a candidate for vice regent because he can raise the electability to fight the duet of incumbent. Both have in common with the idea of change to make Takalar much better. Third, the recruitment of Syamsari Kitta as a candidate for regional head / regent because he is a PKS cadre who has experience and capability in politics, his personality is known as an easy person to associate and communicate with the community. The quality of Syamsari Kitta as PKS cadres got positive electoral and militancy support from PKS cadres and other winning teamresearch aims to know the Political Recruitment of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in Takalar Election 2017. The research method used qualitative method by descriptive analysis. Data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. Informant of the research, namely the Management and Sympathizers of PKS Takalar and Nasdem Party Takalar, the couple of Syamsari Kitta - Achmad Dg. Se're, Regional Election Commission of Takalar Regency.The results showed that the recruitment of PKS in Takalar Election 2017 were: first, the couple of Syamsari Kitta - Achmad Dg Se're was promoted by the PKS 4 seats coalition with the National Democratic Party (Nasdem) 2 seats in the regional election. The coalition happened because both parties agreed that the couple is able to bring thoughts or ideas of change in the process of elections battle period of 2017-2022 in Takalar Regency. Secondly, the PKS chose Syamsari Kitta because of his strong ability and strong support-bases in Takalar as well as positive electability with the community. While Ahmad Daeng Sere chose as a candidate for vice regent because he can raise the electability to fight the duet of incumbent. Both have in common with the idea of change to make Takalar much better. Third, the recruitment of Syamsari Kitta as a candidate for regional head / regent because he is a PKS cadre who has experience and capability in politics, his personality is known as an easy person to associate and communicate with the community. The quality of Syamsari Kitta as PKS cadres got positive electoral and militancy support from PKS cadres and other winning teamThis research aims to know the Political Recruitment of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in Takalar Election 2017. The research method used qualitative method by descriptive analysis. Data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. Informant of the research, namely the Management and Sympathizers of PKS Takalar and Nasdem Party Takalar, the couple of Syamsari Kitta - Achmad Dg. Se're, Regional Election Commission of Takalar Regency.The results showed that the recruitment of PKS in Takalar Election 2017 were: first, the couple of Syamsari Kitta - Achmad Dg Se're was promoted by the PKS 4 seats coalition with the National Democratic Party (Nasdem) 2 seats in the regional election. The coalition happened because both parties agreed that the couple is able to bring thoughts or ideas of change in the process of elections battle period of 2017-2022 in Takalar Regency. Secondly, the PKS chose Syamsari Kitta because of his strong ability and strong support-bases in Takalar as well as positive electability with the community. While Ahmad Daeng Sere chose as a candidate for vice regent because he can raise the electability to fight the duet of incumbent. Both have in common with the idea of change to make Takalar much better. Third, the recruitment of Syamsari Kitta as a candidate for regional head / regent because he is a PKS cadre who has experience and capability in politics, his personality is known as an easy person to associate and communicate with the community. The quality of Syamsari Kitta as PKS cadres got positive electoral and militancy support from PKS cadres and other winning team


  • This research aims to know the Political Recruitment of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in Takalar Election 2017

  • Rekrutmen politik yang lebih memperhatikan sudut pandang fungsionalnya yaitu: “the process by which citizens are selected for involvement in politics”

  • Pada akhirnya salah satu pilihan potensial koalisi demi mencukupi syarat kursi minimal lima belas persen (15%) dari seratus persen (100%) Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) yang berjumlah 4 kursi di DPRD kabupaten Takalar, jatuh pada partai Nasional Demokrat (Nasdem) yang saat itu memiliki jumlah 2 suara di DPRD kabupaten Takalar

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Ariyanto Ardiansya

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rekruitmen politik Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) di pilkada Takalar 2017. Yaitu Pengurus dan Simpatisan PKS Takalar dan Nasdem Takalar, Pasangan Syamsari Kitta- Achmad Dg. Se‟re, KPUD Kabupaten Takalar. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa rekruitmen politik PKS di Pilkada Takalar 2017 yaitu: pertama, Pasangan Syamsari Kitta-Achmad Dg Se‟re diusung oleh PKS 4 kursi berkoalisi dengan partai Nasional Demokrat (Nasdem) 2 kursi pada pemilihan kepala daerah, koalisi tersebut terjadi karena kedua partai bersepakat pasangan tersebut mampu membawa gagasan atau ide perubahan pada proses pertarungan Pilkada periode 2017-2022 di Kabupaten Takalar. PKS memilih Syamsari Kitta karena kemampuan dan basis pendukung yang kuat di Takalar serta elektabilitas yang positif dengan masyarakat. Rekruitmen Syamsari Kitta sebagai calon kepala daerah karena beliau merupakan kader PKS yang memiliki pengalaman dan kemampuan dibidang politik. Kualitas Syamsari Kitta sebagai kader PKS memperoleh elektoral positif dan dukungan militansi kader PKS serta tim pemenangan lainnya

Rekruitmen berdasarkan kaderisasi
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