
HE LOBBY PROCESS is fundamentally a communication process. Pressure groups have specific policy positions that they wish decision makers to adopt. Their problem is to devise ways of getting their point of view across to the decision makers. What kinds of communications will convince the decision maker that he should adopt their point of view? basic method of communication, which all pressure groups follow, is to inform the government official of the facts and arguments which support the group's policy position. This method appears to be very straightforward and uncomplicated; however, the mere tendering of a communication does not guarantee its sympathetic reception by a decision maker. For every point of view there is usually at least one, if not several, competing points of view-all seeking attention. governmental environment seems saturated with noise, talking, and writing. As one lobbyist put it, The people in Congress are operating in a vacuum filled with noise. Every important decision maker seems rushed for time as hundreds of people compete for his attention. In such an environment it is crucial that the group's facts and arguments gain access to the official when he is in a receptive frame of mind and that they be presented in their most favorable light. It is little wonder that most groups have discovered that they must hire a personal envoy, who is skilled in communication and negotiation, to represent them before the government if they wish to compete adequately with all the other points of view seeking adoption. practice of hiring envoys to represent groups at the seat of government has become so universal that a group still cannot feel assured that its point of view will receive favorable attention; thus, they seek alternative ways of making a governmental decision maker receptive to their communication. Many lobbyists operate on the assumption that offering the official some value or good will tend to make him more receptive. It is popularly believed that lobbyists

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