
Political culture and political activity of young people in socio-political changes is of particular significance for modern Russian society, which has been undergoing large-scale socio-economic and political reforms in recent decades. The relevance of the research is determined by the role played by young people in socio-political processes in society. Studying the attitude of young people to political processes, value orientations and civic activity of the younger generation allows us to assess the changes that have occurred in the political consciousness and determine the strategy of youth policy in the country. The purpose of the research is to identify the values and political attitudes of students, to study their attitude to political changes and events in modern Russia. System analysis, axiological and activity-based approaches are used as theoretical and methodological bases, which allow identifying and arguing the specifics of political culture and political behavior of social groups, in particular young people, continuity and General socio-cultural factors of their formation. The paper uses the method of mass sociological survey of students of all faculties of the Ural state mining University (425 respondents were interviewed) on the content and nature of the political culture of students, conducted in November-December 2018. Based on a representative mass sociological survey, the article examines the prerequisites, value orientations and activity of students in the political life of the country. the article analyzes the state of political culture of young people and the main trends in its development. Attention is paid to the issues of instability of political views among young people and activism in issues related to the spheres of interests of young people. As a result of the research, values and political orientations, as well as socio-political activity of students are established. According to the results of our research, we can conclude that in General, young people reproduce the spectrum of the main political orientations and attitudes that have developed in Russian society. The results of this research can be used in the work of secondary vocational education institutions, higher education institutions, government agencies and municipal institutions that organize work with young people.

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