
The Princedom of Tahiri in Khorasan area during Abbasid caliphate followed a strict policy in front of the regions of Tabristan and Jurjan aiming to expand their ruling range in these areas supported by Abbasid caliphate. The Tahiris’ were considered as protectors of regions of western Eslamic Area and were apposing the appearance of any movement against the Abbasid caliphate, but even with that the Shiite Princedom of Zaidi established outside the will of the caliphate and had a main role in the political and military events in the eastern Islamic area in which had relations and battles with the present Persian Sunni Princedoms which continued till the fall of the Zaidi Princedom in 316 Hijri 928 A.D. by the Samanis’, as it was mentioned earlier in this research.
 The nature of this study is divided in to three chapters in the first chapter we defined the Zaidi Princedom was defined as a Shiite Princedom in Tabristan area, And it had also shed some light on the political and military relationship between the Zaidi and Tahiri Princedoms. The second chapter is about the relation between the Zaidi and Safari Princedoms in term of politics and military in peace and war times.
 In the third chapter a detailed analysis is given to relation between the Zaidiand Samani Princedoms which was hostile between the two of them because ofexpanding ambitions between both of them; also the difference of 
 religion was apart of this struggle.

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