
Globalization is a new world phenomenon totality of multi economy, social, cultural and political. As a result of developing industry, technology and modern community information. In 18th century globalization come into reality, but usage as a concept was new. after second half of 1980 this concept used widly.
 In this research, the researcher is trying to explore globalization concepts as a single packet, relationship to each other and showing the influence globalization phenomena over nation- states around the world, like several development concepts. Demonstraties such as (Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens, walter walrestein) with a lot of opinions, some other concepts show logical documents then demonstraties on private sides of political globalization, because of this concept the world situation will be changing.
 Even the researcher try to make argument among their opinions in the contiariety points or corporate points with adding the researchers opinion about showing Kurdistan regional as a non nation- state in the world policy and its role in formulating global policy in brief. Also trying to expect and know thiese factors which make globalization effective model on other countries, especially in politic situation its reaction on globalization process in good and bad impact on political situation. Invironmental, economy … etc. after that, we must know that now adays globalization process is going much faster or slower? Do global policy formulators go to the good direction and its influence in the future? This one and other questions which the researcher revealed.
 The research in theoretical has a great role like increasing opposition theory and idea about globalization influence over rational countries in general especially in political situation. Because of it, the researcher try to stand with intellectual view in globalization process make discussion after that in some logical documents have a new and special research beneficial.
 The goals of research are: To know the political situation of globalization concept now and other world countries reaction over this concept. Know the intellectual views globalization concept and academic discussion and scientific, that is happening among them? Reality of good or bad effects of nation- states in this process. Know the Kurdistan regional political position in new world participate in global policy formulation.

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