
In the majority of the developed and in some of the developing countries we can observe gradual shift from the conventional public urban transport vehicles driven by diesel fuel towards electric vehicles. The process requires changes in the demand and supply side of urban transport market in particular countries around the world. The aim of this paper is to assess the standing of electric bus market in Poland against a background of the European and world market. The assessment involved presenting, in the first part of the article, characteristics of the worldwide and European markets from the demand and supply side. As for the world market of electric buses, the article discusses at great length the characteristics of Chinese market since this is the dominant market as regards both the number of vehicle in operation and the number of manufactured electric buses. The second part of the article provides the characteristics of demand and supply side of electric bus market in Poland presenting both domestic and European electric bus manufacturers who situated their production plants in Poland. The article also presents forecasts related to the scale of demand increase reported by the Polish local authorities.

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