
AbstractThe polarization constant of a Banach spaceXis defined as\[{\text{c}}(X){\text{ }}{\text{ }}\mathop {\lim }\limits_{k \to \infty } {\text{ }}\sup {\text{c}}{(k,X)^{\frac{1}{k}}},\]where\[{\text{c}}(k,X)\]stands for the best constant\[C > 0\]such that\[\mathop P\limits^ \vee \leqslant CP\]for everyk-homogeneous polynomial\[P \in \mathcal{P}{(^k}X)\]. We show that ifXis a finite dimensional complex space then\[{\text{c}}(X) = 1\]. We derive some consequences of this fact regarding the convergence of analytic functions on such spaces.The result is no longer true in the real setting. Here we relate this constant with the so-called Bochnak’s complexification procedure.We also study some other properties connected with polarization. Namely, we provide necessary conditions related to the geometry ofXfor\[c(2,X) = 1\]to hold. Additionally we link polarization constants with certain estimates of the nuclear norm of the product of polynomials.

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