
In this paper the POKER-HXR81M hard X-Ray payload is described. The instrument, designed and built at the Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale of Frascati, is a very large array of MultiWire Proportional Counters (MWPC) devoted to stratospheric observations of cosmic sources in the field of hard X-Ray Astronomy. The payload basically consists of four passively collimated MWPC's having a geometric sensitive area of 2,700 cm 2 each with an efficiency higher than 10% in the operative range 15–200 KeV (80% at 60 KeV) with a square field of view of 5° × 5° FWHM. The overall spectral resolution is 13% at 60 KeV. The four MWPC's are filled with a very pure gas mixture of Xenon-Argon-Isobuthane at high pressure (3 bars). This experiment has been successfully flown during summer 1981 from the Milo balloon facility (Sicily, Italy). The performances of the payload and the preliminary results obtained during the 17 hours flight are discussed.

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