
In terms of plant biodiversity, the Plitvice Lakes are one of the most valuable areas in Croatia. This natural barrage lake system of 16 larger and several smaller lakes, separated with tufa barriers in form of numerous waterfalls of different size, height and water velocity, stretches along 8 km, representing the largest habitat of the tufa forming moos communities (Cratoneurion commutati) in Croatia. Indeed, the Plitvice Lakes are the largest area in Europe supporting the development of these communities. Furthermore, the Lakes are valuable as the largest habitat of stonewort communities (Charetea intermediae) in Croatia. On the other hand, karst terrain is not favourable for the development of marshland vegetation (Phragmito-Magnocaricetea), and therefore this vegetation type covers only small areas, being mostly confined to lake margins. The recent spread of marshland vegetation could indicate the eutrophication of the lake system.

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