
The most important paper on the Pleistocene deposits of the Avon Valley is by H. E. Strickland. This was sent to the Geological Society in June, 1835, and a brief abstract was published; but the paper was first printed in full in 1858. As Jardine states, ‘most of the localities mentioned are now either filled up, worked out, or become otherwise inaccessible,’ and it is a matter of congratulation that so careful and competent an observer as Strickland was a resident in the district, while it is noteworthy that but little has been added to our knowledge since. It is, however, necessary to bring our knowledge up to date, and we thank Miss Tomlinson for submitting her specimens for examination; we also thank Mr. W. H. Edwards of the Victoria Institute, Worcester, for similar courtesy, and Mr. Hugh Watson for assistance with the Strickland Collection now preserved at Cambridge. Fourteen species were obtained from this locality, namely :— Pupilla muscorum (Linne). 3 examples. Limnaea pereger (Muller). Common. Limnaea truncatula (Muller). 2 examples. Planorbis laeevis Alder. 2 examples. Ancylastrum fluviatile (Muller). 2 examples Valvata piscinalis (Muller). 2 examples Bithynia tentacutata (Linnae). 1 example Unio littoralis Cuvier. 1 valve. Corbicula fluminalis (Muller). 6 valves. Sphaerium corneum (Linnae). Common. Pisidium amnicum (Muller). Common. Pisidium cinereum Alder.

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