
Most people find happiness by making money, eating good food, or spending time with friends. Epicurean philosophy provides an explanation of what makes people happy and how to experience joy and pleasure in life. Gossipiboma is a rare complication that can occur due to human negligence. Gossipiboma’s form as a complication of inflammatory reaction to a surgical sponge or a laparotomy pad left mistakenly in the body of the patient after a surgical procedure. The term Gossipiboma is a combination of two words from two different languages; Gossypium a Latin word which mean cotton and boma a Kiswahili word which means plan of concealment. Their incidence is reported to be 1 in 1000 to 1500 surgery. We present here a case of a 67-year-old male who had a history of right-sided Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) five years back. No immediate post procedure complications occurred however the patient presented to the Outpatient Department (OPD) with left flank pain and his Computed Tomography (CT) scan was done which showed an organized Gossipiboma.Most people find happiness by making money, eating good food, or spending time with friends. Epicurean philosophy provides an explanation of what makes people happy and how to experience joy and pleasure in life. It focuses on the absence of pain as the path to happiness and advocates leading a simple lifestyle. There are people in the world who are happy just because they live and they live much longer without cancer, cardiovascular or other social important diseases. The material measurability of the timelessness in which we live does not exist, and the virtues have preserved them above all as human beings. They have the ability to enjoy the simple things in life, which in most cases are not financially commensurate. The connection between the beauty of the smile, positive health and longevity has been consciously sought. All aspects of the life of the Bulgarian population are outlined, which are positive and could lead them out of the black rankings for morbidity and mortality in Europe and the world. Questions are raised related to the health and activity of long-lived and centenarians and what in the modern way of life turn this trend into a negative one.

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