
The polarity of the biological membrane, or lipid order, regulates many cellular events. It is generally believed that the plasma membrane polarity is regulated according to cell type and function, sometimes even within a cell. Neurons have a variety of functionally specialized subregions, each of which bears distinct proteins and lipids, and the membrane polarity of the subregions may differ accordingly. However, no direct experimental evidence of it has been presented to date. In the present study, we used a cell-impermeable solvatochromic membrane probe NR12A to investigate the local polarity of the plasma membrane of neurons. Both in hippocampal and cerebellar granule neurons, growth cones have higher membrane polarity than the cell body. In addition, the overall variation in the polarity value of each pixel was greater in the growth cone than in cell bodies, suggesting that the lateral diffusion and/or dynamics of the growth cone membrane are greater than other parts of the neuron. These tendencies were much less notably observed in the lamellipodia of a non-neuronal cell. Our results suggest that the membrane polarity of neuronal growth cones is unique and this characteristic may be important for its structure and function.

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