
Electron density measurements derived from the upper hybrid resonance frequency have been obtained from the Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science experiment over a 7 year period from 28 October 2004 through 7 November 2011. Additional density measurements inside the orbit of Enceladus and outside the orbit of Rhea have made it possible to expand a previously published density model to radial distances from 2.6 to 10.0 Saturnian radii (RS). The distribution of density data is compared to a simple scale height density model for a single‐species plasma within 8° of the magnetic equatorial plane. There is a broad peak in the equatorial density distribution between 4 RS and 5 RS with the plasma falling off both inward and outward from the peak region. The radial dependence of the equatorial density profile varies as R4.0 from 2.6 RS to 4 RS and as R–4.8 from 5 RS to 10 RS. The plasma distribution outside 5 RS remains consistent with earlier density models but additional density measurements inside 4 RS provide information on the plasma distribution in this inner region that will be the focus of the F‐Ring and proximal orbits near the end of the Cassini mission.

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