
Relevance. The study's relevance is conditioned by identifying a previously unknown planetary life support mechanism, including the creation and preservation of conditions and life itself on Earth. Purpose. The purpose of the study was to reveal the planetary life support mechanism and to understand the regularities of the origin and continuous action of terrestrial processes, which are the conditions necessary for life on Earth. Methodology. The main research method is experimental modelling of electromagnetic interactions in the Sun-atmosphere-Earth system. Results. It has been established that part of the solar energy that comes to the Earth without penetrating its surface ionises the atmosphere, sequentially transforming, creates and preserves the terrestrial processes necessary for life and turns into geoelectricity that creates the Earth�s electromagnetic field � a constantly operating source of energy in the Earth�s crust. The solar energy penetrating to the surface of the Earth, which has a periodic effect on it, is supposed to preserve the thermal regime of the planet, together with the additional heat of the induction current and the rotation of the Earth and the atmosphere, created by the flow of solar energy that does not penetrate to its surface. Conclusions. It is shown that all the electromagnetic energy of solar radiation continuously flowing to the Earth is intended and used by the planetary life support mechanism. The findings have practical implications for monitoring the operation of the planetary life support system, understanding how solar energy sustains living organisms, studying the evolution and variability of weather patterns, and exploring the potential for managing these processes. Keywords: rotation of the Earth; solar energy; thermal regime; electromagnetic field; induction current; terrestrial processes; geoelectricity; meteorological conditions

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