
Abstract : The turbulent mixing layer between two streams of different velocities continues to play a central role in research aimed at improved understanding of turbulent shear flows in general. At present, not all researchers are in agreement as to what various experiments imply about the structure of mixing layers at high Reynolds number. The views which are held differ on the question as to how and to what extent three dimensionality develops in these flows and whether the characteristic spanwise organized large vortex structures (rollers) continue to be a dominant feature. The traditional view, as extended to the contemporary scene, is that ultimately (i.e., sufficiently far downstream or at sufficiently high Reynolds number) the flow will be completely disorganized. The view put forward by 'eddy chasers' is that such vortex structures are primary elements, characteristic of the underlying mean vorticity field, which is particularly simple for the mixing layer, and that, as long as the velocity difference is maintained, there is a mechanism to regenerate these primary structures by what, for convenience, may be called a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. The heart of the controversy then is whether, or to what extent, secondary and higher instabilities will ultimately break down, completely disorganize or prevent formation of organized primary structures. In a plane mixing layer, the primary structures would, ideally, be two dimensional, containing the basic single component of vorticity while secondary and higher modes of instability would introduce three dimensionality and the other two components of vorticity into the flow. (Author)

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