
This month’s Journal carries an article from Shanghai on the regulation of glucose transporters (GLUT) in humanplacenta(1).Thestudiesbringapossiblenewplayer into the ongoing drama of nutritional regulation of fetal growth and development. The in vitro studies by Gao et al. (1) examined the effects of CRH on mRNA and protein concentrations of GLUT1 and GLUT3. Using a variety of techniques, including small interfering RNA for the corticotrophin releasing hormone receptor type 1 (CRH-R1) receptor, antibodies to the receptor, and receptor blockers, the studies convincingly show that CRH stimulates trophoblast production of GLUT1 and inhibits the expression of GLUT3 via the CRH-R1 receptor. The area is of increasing interest as data accumulate that fetal growth is an important determinant of adult health. The Barker hypothesis posits that restricted intrauterine growth associated with the birth of a small infant leads to early onset diabetes, hypertension, and ischemic heart disease (2). This hypothesis is linked to the concept of phenotypic plasticity, a widespread phenomenon in nature whereby the environment interacts with the genome to determine an organism’s phenotype (3). In the setting of intrauterine growth restriction, it is proposed that impaired nutrient transfer to the fetus leads to the development of a metabolic phenotype that is adapted to an environment low in nutrients. The fetus adapted to low nutrients that is then born into a Western society with high-energy diets is maladapted, develops obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and early heart disease. There are strong animal data for this scenario; however, human data are more limited (4). Given the importance of optimizing fetal growth, the pathway to optimal fetal growth becomes of great interest. Unfortunately, this pathway is very poorly characterized. Worldwide, low birth weight is very common, leading to a recent Gates Foundation call for studies on the underlying mechanisms leading to impaired fetal growth (http://www. grandchallenges.org/GCGHDocs/Healthy_Growth_Rules_ and_Guidelines.pdf). Althoughconditions suchaspreeclampsia are well-known associates of impaired growth, there is little knowledge on the etiology of most cases. Major deficiencies in knowledge extend to even what might be the ideal diet for a pregnant woman to produce a healthy baby with an optimum metabolic phenotype for the 21st century. National guidelines for maternal intakes exist, but these are not founded on a sound evidence base of longitudinal studies of infant outcomes (5). Recent research on comparative nutritional intakes of protein, fat, and carbohydrate suggest that all animals have a genetically determined target intake of macronutrients (6). This work strongly suggests that an ideal target intake would exist for pregnant women, but this has not yet been defined. With an ideal maternal intake, the placenta is the port via which this nutrition is transported to the fetus. How exactly this occurs and how it is regulated again remains unclear. Nutrient sensing by the fetus may involve the IGF axis within the fetal liver (7). How is nutrient sensing performed by the placenta on behalf of the fetus? Syncytiotrophoblast expression of GLUT1 is stimulated by placental variant growth hormone, which increases across gestation as does GLUT1; so perhaps again the IGF axis is central (8). How does the placenta determine how much nutrient will be invested in placental growth and how much transferred to the fetus for fetal growth? How does the placenta regulate the nutrient mix it provides to the fetus and is the ideal nutrient mix for the mother the same for the fetus?

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