
The article discusses topical issues of the competence approach to the study of personality and temporal competence. The main areas of application of the competence approach are analyzed: in the field of education, in special pedagogy and psychology, in management and law enforcement activities. The role of temporal competence in personality development is revealed. Part of the empirical research on ontogenetic and professional reflection as a part of temporal competence is represented. Temporal competence and its varieties directly affect every person at any age and can be considered one of the key competences of the individual. Among the numerous types of competence (life, psychological, subject, curricular, situational, personal and self development competence, etc.), it is time that not only occupies a special status in the structure of the personality, but is also an important component of it, since during life a person must rationally manage the allotted time, predict the future events of your life, build time perspectives of your achievements, reflect on the acquired life experience and implement it in your personal and professional life. Time competence not only helps to predict awareness of time, emotional attitude towards it, organization of time in professional and personal life, but also the formation of such important personality characteristics as high stress resistance, emotional stability, self-realization, which allows it to be considered as an important element in the personality structure. The importance of the formation of temporal competence at various stages of ontogenesis should be based on the characteristics of the personality, temperament, previous life experience, etc. Considering temporal competence as an important element of personality, special attention should be paid to reflective abilities regarding the analysis of the development of life experience in a temporal sweep and regarding the reflection of professional activity.

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