
In Islamic culture and civilization, an ijazah is one of the cornerstones of the deep-rooted education system. The Ijazah was used in the sense of documenting the isnad system, which was considered a part of religion in the first centuries. Thus, it has become one of the reliable ways to strengthen the narration and transfer it to the next generations in the same way. An Ijazah is a unique method created by Islamic civilization to establish a strong education system. License certificate show that a scholar has learned which works in which fields and from whom during his scientific career, and in which school he grew up. al-Jārbardī, who is a part of this tradition, both narrated many works and gave various permissions to transfer them to the next generations. From one aspect, it is divided into general-special, and from another aspect, scientific, scientific, professional-artistic, sect and spiritual. al-Jārbardī (d.746/1346) is one of the scholars of the Ilkhanid period and is one of the authoritative figures with an effective in the in the field of language. This fertile author, who devoted his life to science and education, produced twenty-six works and established continuous scientific assemblies, had strong narrations of the works he taught. In order to determine his narrations and Ijazahs, manuscripts and mashyakha -type works were examined in addition to his books of scribes, and fourteen narrations and six Ijazahs belonging to him were determined. In fact, in the research conducted, it was understood that the author gave much more permission; It has been researched with the assumption that these Ijazah have reached the present day, but all of them have not been determined yet. The data obtained revealed new information about the life of him and his students. These narrations and ijazahs contain data, albeit briefly, about the names, lives and thoughts of many ulema that are not mentioned in the books of the katat. In addition, the relations of the author, the scientific development of the student, his other teachers, the books taught, his travels, etc. An important information about the autobiographical information about the author makes them a primary source. When the manuscripts were examined, it was determined that he, like many scholars who gave lectures, gave various the Ijazahs to those present when the book, which was the subject of the lecture, was finished. When referring to the mashyakha type of books, it is seen that he performed an important service by narrating many books from tafsir to hadith, from fiqh to Arabic language. The scientific legacy of al-Jārbardī from previous scholars and the works he wrote are mostly written by the Shiite scholar al-Ghazāl Muhammad It was transferred on to the next generations. Again, while his scientific legacy was transferred on to the al-Subkī family through his son Ibrahim, it was transferred on to al-Suyutī through al-Surmārī. Through his favorite student Nur al-din Farac and Tac al-din Ali al-Tabrizī, his scientific legacy reached places such as Damascus and Cairo. This legacy has been passed on to scholars such as Bedreddin Aynî and Süyûtî through certain documents. Thus, its scientific legacy spread to Islamic cultural centers such as Damascus, Cairo, Iraq and Yemen. In his ıjazahs, he specifically states the condition of observing the right of narration both for the books transmitted from the predecessor and for his own works. He showed his scientific competence in the narrations. The scientific legacy of al-Jārbardī, who was the influential name of the period in the Shafi'i sect, is based on al-Rāfi'ī and al-Qazvīnī, who were the authority in the sect.

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