
Building the narrative space of the place is one of the technical elements that contribute to the integration of the narrative text, and it is the general framework - in addition to the time - in which the events take place. Personalities are depicted through and must exist within certain place and time. The place is the necessary companion of time in a sense that two are essential components of technique in the narrative structure. The place is the space in which elements of narration are met. After studying the construction of the narrative space in the poetry of al-Jizani, the researcher recognizes a large presence of natural and public space. The researcher also notices that the natural place is not a general framework in which events take place only. Rather, it carries deep connotations that benefit the general meaning of the text. Furthermore, the public place is mentioned abundantly, especially the vital places that bustle with the population movement such as cities, markets, cafes. This indicates the poet’s realism and his integration into society.

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