
In a full QCD lattice study with N f = 2 Wilson fermions, we seek to optimize the signals for the disconnected contributions to the Pion Nucleon Sigma term σ N . We demonstrate, in form of a numerical analysis, that — in order to achieve a tolerable signal to noise-ratio in full QCD - it is advantageous to work with a Z 2-noise source rather than to use Gaussian noise sources or to rely only on gange invariance to cancel non-gauge-invariant background. We find that 10 Z 2-noise sources suffice on our sample (about 150 independent QCD configurations at β = 5.6 on 16 3 × 32 with κ sea = 0.157, equivalent to M π M ϱ = 0.7(1) , to achieve decent signals and adequate fluctuations, rather than 300 such sources as recently used in quenched simulations.

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