
162 Reviews why the late R o m a n and Byzantine pattern of coin use is not found in the Western successor kingdoms. Especially through his involvement with the authoritative Dumbarton Oaks coin catalogues, Hendy has also continued with straightforward numismatic research, as illustrated by papers IX-XII. Of these, no. XI on the Gornoslav hoard is a particularly elegant example of the conclusions that can, in favourable circumstances, be drawn from a seemingly dry list of coin types. It is in small-scale arguments of this sort as well as in the broad sweep of his theoretical discussions that Hendy bridges the 'yawning gap' that in his view exists between numismatists and historians and demonstrates that the one should not operate without the other. It is as usual useful to have a large proportion of a scholar's scattered but cohesive papers collected within one set of covers. In this case this is made the more so by the inclusion of extensive up-datings. Elizabeth M . Jeffreys Department of M o d e m Greek University of Sydney Henry, Avril, ed., The pilgrimage of the lyfe of the manhode, 2 vols, (Early English Text Society, Nos 288-292), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1985 & 1988; cloth; pp. xcv, 615; 7 plates; text, notes, glossary; R. R. P, AUS$110.00 & $65.00. 'It is a matter for some chagrin that there has arisen no m o d e m editor for a work so influential and so revelatory of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century ideas both in text and pictures', laments Rosemond Tuve, who devotes a chapter of her Allegorical imagery (Princeton, 1966) to the late fourteenth-century/early fifteenth-century English prose translation o( the first recension of Guillaume de Deguileville's poem Le Pilerinage de la vie humaine (1330-1), and to the iconographical tradition associated with this text. The French original is still available only in J. J. Stiirzinger's 1893 edition for the Roxburghe Club; however, Avril Henry has now supplied a critical edition of the Middle English. Her scrupulous edition was 'arising' even as Tuve was alerting Middle English scholars to The pilgrimage of the lyfe of the manhode. Twenty years ago, Henry was making arrangements to view the State Library of Victoria copy (MS*096 G94) in Cambridge. This copy and Bodleian M S Laud Misc. 740 are the only two of the six copies to contain illustrations. They are derived, however, from different French models. Henry provided descriptions of the idustrations in the Melbourne and Oxford M S S in Scriptorium, 37 (1983), 26473 , and detaded there the work in progress on the iconographical tradition. It is a pity that the plates in her E. E. T. S. edition are confined, no doubt because of economic restraints, to illustrating the scribal hands. The pictures in the Melbourne copy may be 'somewhat crude', but the full sequence of 37 still Reviews 163 awaits reproduction. Looking again at the originals, I realise that the iconographical and verbal discourses demand to be read together and I am sure that Henry, who has also produced a facsimile edition of The mirour of mans saluacioun (Scolar, 1986), would readdy agree. It is scarcely appropriate, though, to be demanding more even before there has been a chance for Henry's text to be assimilated. A n indispensable introduction to it is her account of the structure and argument of the four parts of The pilgrimage in Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 87 (1986), 128-41 and 22936 . I wonder, though, whether this sometimes alarmingly labde allegory merits the ancdlary status Henry awards it when she claims that 'it is a perfect introduction to doctrines underlying the very different poetic complexities of better known works such as the Canterbury Tales and Piers Plowman' (p. 236). Here, for instance, is Old Age speaking to thetext'sT at the end of Part Four: T a m pilke Ttat when pou were bore with Jeonenesse, pou wendest neuere haue seyn. pou seidest of me: 'She is ferre; she shal not come a good whde ...' (Unes 7105-7) Middle English youthe is not an adequate equivalent for 'jeonenesse', though some of the copiers have problems with the French word...

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