
The territory under study is an island located very close to the flow of the Jiu into the Danube, in the lower course of the Danube, and represents a protected area for important species and habitats of community and priority interest, as well as an important migration area for an impressive number of protected birds.This territory is part of the ROSCI0045 Coridorul Jiului Protected Area. Considering the extremely varied and rich biodiversity of this area, we started in 2022 the realization of complex studies regarding the flora, vegetation as well as the habitats of community and priority interest found on Copanița Island. In the present work, a study is presented regarding the phytocenology of wet habitats of conservation interest as well as the anthropogenic impact on them. Thus, the following wetland habitats were identified: 3160 - Natural dystrophic lakes and ponds (CLAS. PAL.: 22.14), 3150 - Natural eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition-type vegetation (CLAS. PAL.: 22.13 x (22.41 sau 22.421), 3130 - Oligotrophic to mesotrophic standing waters with vegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorae and/or Isoëto-Nanojuncetea (CLAS. PAL.: 22.12 x (22.31 şi 22.32) and 3270 - Rivers with muddy banks with Chenopodion rubri p.p. and Bidention p.p. vegetation (CLAS. PAL.: 24.52). From the phytocoenotic point of view, the following aquatic and palustre plant communities were identified: Myriophyllo verticillati-Nupharetum luteae Koch 1926, Trapo-Nymphoidetum Oberd. 1957, Lemno-Spirodeletum Koch 1954, Spirodelo-Salvinietum natantis Slavnič 1965, Lemno-Salvinietum natantis Miyawaki et Tüxen 1960, Cyperetum flavescentis Koch ex Aichinger 1933 and Bidenti-Polygonetum hydropiperis Lohm. in Tüxen 1950, Polygono lapathifolio – Bidentetum Klika 1935; Echinochloo – Polygonetum lapathifolii Soo et Csurrs 1974. The climate changes of recent years had a particularly negative effect on these habitats with a particular impact on the surfaces of the habitats but also on the structure and physiognomy of the edifying plant communities.

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