
Although the physics of time is of fundamental importance, the concept gets little attention in most introductory courses. Still, we now know enough to begin to formulate a coherent account of the physical nature of time. Newton’s absolute time has given way to Leibniz’s relational time. From Relativity Theory we learn that time in addition to being relational is also relative, and local; as we will see, the rates at which events unfold are influenced by both the relative velocity of the observer, and the local gravitational field strength—time is not universal. The intrinsic relationship between light-speed and time will be examined via relativity. Moreover, it will be shown that the Special Theory requires that the quanta of the electromagnetic field (i.e. photons), only exist at speed c; the ramifications of that extraordinary property, coupled with conservation of energy, profoundly influence the progression of time. Time in our everyday lives is the abstract measure of the unfolding of macroscopic occurrences, all of which are irreversible. It is posited that these events are irreversible because they are invariably accompanied by the emission of radiant energy, photons and/or gravitons. By contrast, entropy is a descriptor of processes, it is not a causative agency; although correlated with the so-called arrow-of-time, it cannot be its cause. Using a variety of physical thought experiments, it will be shown that the unidirectional ‘flow’ of time, the arrow-of-time, is a result of the fact that energy quanta only travel toward the future. That is the fundamental asymmetry in our otherwise temporally symmetric physics.

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