
Forage is a major feed that determines the success of livestock farming, especially ruminants. The silage is one technique to preserve forage to maintain the availability of forage all year. Microbes have an important role in the silage process, microbes can break down nutrient components of silage, including protein. Protein is one of the primary nutrients for animals, tannin compound of coffee husk can be used to maintain protein compounds in the silage. Tannin is a bioactive compound from the extract of coffee husk that is non-toxic, organic, and classified as polyphenols. This research purpose was to know the effect of adding an additive of tannin coffee husk on the physical quality of elephant grass silage. The research was analyzed using a T-Test design with 2 treatments and 5 replications (T0: elephant grass + 2% molasses; T1: elephant grass + 2% molasses + coffee husk tannin). The results indicated that no significant difference in the added tannin extract on the final and initial pH value and organoleptic characteristics of elephant grass silage. The conclusion of the research was the tannin extract of coffee husk can maintain the protein content of elephant grass silage in the ensilage process.

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