
This paper and the succeeding ones contain new data on several physical properties of sandstones that are well characterized petrographically. PartI describes the samples on the basis of (1) backscattered electron imaging of polished sections and pore casts and (2) sieve analysis. Part II discusses the static elastic and inelastic properties as measured with a modification of Differential Strain Analysis. The samples are mostly clean quartz arenites, subarkoses and argillaceous quartz arenites. Kaolinite is the dominant pore-filling mineral. Total porosity is divided into intergranular (equidimensional, size comparable to grains), connective (tabular or tubular shaped), and micro (less than a few microns in size) porosity on the basis of point counting SEM images. The micropores occur within aggregates of clay. The ranges of porosity are: total porosity, 5–31% of whole sample; intergranular porosity, 24–76 of total porosity; connective porosity, 4–25% of total porosity; microporosity, 10–63% of total porosity. Comparison of porosity determined with an air pycnometer and porosity measured with the SEM indicates that microporosity and the volume of solid clay particles are approximately equal.

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